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We Are GM Financial

At GM Financial, our team members define and shape our culture — a culture to win.

Our team members and leadership work hard to create an encouraging environment, one that promotes new ideas and fosters integrity. And to help provide a sense of community and belonging, everyone’s voice is welcome. We do more than just work together. We thrive.

This page is your resource to learn about our company, explore opportunities and know what to expect in a virtual or in-person interview. These tips will help you feel calm, prepared and ready to put your best self forward.

What We Offer

GM Financial’s benefits plan is designed to enhance your career and life. It’s comprehensive, offering you peace of mind and covering a range of services to meet your unique needs. 

Employee health is our top priority. GM Financial was honored to be selected as a 2021 recipient of the Cigna Well-Being Award for demonstrating a strong commitment to improving the health and well-being of its employees through a workplace wellness program.

Many of our benefits start on the date you are hired, including medical, dental and vision coverage. In addition to insurance plans that best fit your needs, our work environment allows for team members to find a balance between the work that needs to get done and the life that you want to live. While each role varies in function, we address key responsibilities with that flexibility in mind. 

What We Look For

Interviewers will ask a series of skill-based, technical, situational and in-depth questions. But no matter which role you’re interviewing for, be prepared to answer the following questions.


Pro tip: Be brief — but brilliant — in your answers!

1. Why are you interested in working for GM Financial?

2. What makes you a great candidate for this role?

3. What previous experiences will make you successful in this role?

Your Road to Success

GM Financial provides innovative auto finance solutions around the world. And we’ve hired some of the most creative, ambitious and talented professionals in the industry. It’s safe to say they all have one thing in common: Their careers with us started with a great interview.

We want to share four steps to help you prepare for your interview with GM Financial and what we’re looking for to help you represent your full abilities, highlight your accomplishments and interview with confidence.

Step One: Research

Be sure the role is right for you. GM Financial’s website has lots of great resources about who we are, the products, services and resources we provide and what we value.

Read the job description carefully to make sure it aligns with your experience and gets you excited to go to work. Pay special attention to the things that stand out about the role, like descriptions and expectations. If you know who you're interviewing with, look them up on LinkedIn to get an idea of their background and experience.

Pro tip: Stressed about your interview? Don’t be! We’re here to help you succeed. Look to the job description for the answers to key questions you’ll likely be asked.


Now that you’re familiar with our company and the responsibilities needed for the job, think about how everything connects to your talents and accomplishments.

Be prepared to provide a detailed summary of your most recent experience and qualifications. Think of roles you’ve held, depth of responsibility, and the size or complexity of projects you managed.

How do you know which examples to share? That’s where your research comes in. Your most impactful stories will demonstrate to the interviewer how your experience aligns with the job description. 


It’s time to shine! Take a deep breath and show us why you’re the best fit for this role. Come prepared with a concise summary of experience and examples that demonstrate how you think and behave. Highlight and share projects you’ve led and the impact you made.

Pro tip: Ask clarifying details to fully understand the interviewer’s question. It’s OK to pause and formulate your thoughts before you begin your answer.

When providing specific examples of your experience or competencies, sometimes it’s easier to remember EAO:

  • E - Share a real-world EXAMPLE
  • A - Talk about the ACTION you took
  • O - Explain the OUTCOME of your action

Think about an opening and closing statement for your interview. Remember, you are ultimately demonstrating why YOU are the right person for the role. Be confident and put your best foot forward. If you clearly set up the situation and demonstrate results, it’ll be well received.

Pro tip: The interview panel has already reviewed your résumé, so don’t feel like you need to go over everything on it. Highlight your relevant experience, discuss technologies you’ve used and include the impact your actions had.


An interview is a conversation. It’s our opportunity to get to know each other. Come to the interview prepared with a few questions that show you’re engaged and interested in the role.

A few questions you might want to ask:

  • What kind of career development is available?
  • How big is your team, and is it part of a larger department?
  • Can you walk me through a typical day?
  • What might my career path look like?

And while it’s not necessary, following up after the interview to express your interest in the role or anything else you’d like the interview team to know is always an appreciated gesture.

GM Financial is the wholly owned captive finance subsidiary of General Motors and is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. We provide innovative auto finance solutions around the world with operations in North America, South America and Asia.

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